David Barlev - Would you sell Goji Labs for $20M or hold on?

David Barlev started Goji Labs with his business partner 10 years ago. Goji Labs is a digital product agency building custom software, apps, and tools to drive business outcomes. They're grown steadily to $6.5M revenue and +35% EBITDA margins. We discuss what Goji might be worth today, if they'd sell the business or not, and what a deal structure could look like.

David Barlev on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbarlev/
Goji Labs: https://gojilabs.com/
Clint Fiore & Bison Business: https://bisonbusiness.com/
Patrick Dichter & Appletree: https://appletreebusiness.com/
David Barlev - Would you sell Goji Labs for $20M or hold on?
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