Ian McKenna - To Sell Or Grow A Great Lab Services Business?
Ian started InTech Scientific years ago and it's become a very profitable and well respected business. He services lab equipment in universities, hospitals and bioteach startups through New England. Now he's getting inquiries and offers from buyers, and he's wondering what his business is worth and what a sale could look like. We also discuss if he decided to staff up and scale to 2-3x the value in the next few years.
InTech Scientific: https://www.intechscientificsolutions.com/
Clint Fiore & Bison Business: https://bisonbusiness.com/
Patrick Dichter & Appletree: https://appletreebusiness.com/
InTech Scientific: https://www.intechscientificsolutions.com/
Clint Fiore & Bison Business: https://bisonbusiness.com/
Patrick Dichter & Appletree: https://appletreebusiness.com/